The County's official regulations on platting, drainage, construction and engineering standards.
Volume I: Subdivision & Development Standards (Order 398.23)
amended 8/22/2023; effective 9/01/2023
​Volume II: Drainage Design Standards (Order 398.23)
amended 8/22/2023; effective 9/01/2023
Volume III: Standard Construction Details - (Order 398.23)
amended 8/22/2023; effective 9/01/2023
Flood Damage Prevention & Permitting Regulations - Order No. 477.23
The County's authority to regulate floodplains and require permits dates back to 1977.
amended 10/17/2023
Septic Regulations - Order No. 134.24
Regulates on-site sewage facilities (OSSF) or septic systems
amended on 2/06/2024; approved by TCEQ on 4/04/2024
For proposed Mobile Home Parks, Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parks, and Multi-tenant Developments, please review the following:
National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 1194 – Standard for Recreational Vehicle Parks and Campgrounds
Click corresponding tab for more information.
photo by Pexels